Friday, February 12, 2010

Future of TV/Radio post 2 matt cornwell

Matt Cornwell


Future of TV/Radio post 2


The big networks are not as secure as they once were and their broadcast revenues as a whole are down. Because cable channels are now making shows that are attracting audiences it has had an impact on the big networks. Since cable channels are now coming out with hit shows it is attracting the eyes of the advertisers to start advertising on their channel instead of advertising on the big major networks. The big networks are now trying to plan out for the future before they get lost in the past. They are working on ways to cut costs and are teaming up with other companies to try and split the costs of production. The networks are also going to have to adapt to the new aged technology and learn the best way to reach out to its viewers.

Finding new ways to keep and gain viewers is extremely important. If the big networks can not find a way to do so they are not going to make it in a now extremely competitive market. Advertisers want to make sure that their ads are getting seen by their target audience and if the big networks can not provide that then they are going to look elsewhere.

Audiences are going to watch what interests them and what they feel they can relate too. There are a lot of channels out there now that are focused to more target audiences such as SpikeTV (men) and Lifetime (women). Advertisers know exactly who is going to most likely be watching these channels so they will know what ads will work on what channel.

If the big networks can not impress advertisers in ratings espcieally during the sweeps and the overnight (pg.136) ratings then the advertisers are going to go to those channels that can provide those ratings and can ensure an audience.

spike tv commercial which shows that men are their target audience.

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