Friday, February 20, 2009

With things like Tivo and DVR we can watch shows at any given time whenever we want. Shows such as Heroes are losing ratings because people are watching it whenever they want to and not when it is airing. The shows that are doing well are the shows that people have to vote for (American Idol) and shows that take place live with judges and are generlly more exciting to watch becuase you want to see your favorite contest move on to the next level so you are more likely to watch it when it is airing so you do not miss it (Dancing with the Stars). A lot of these high quality produced shows are not getting as much money as they once were becuase of the failing economy so it is getting harder and harder to be able to get the money needed to keep these shows afloat. It is easier to produce a reality show or something along those lines than it is to produce something with explosions and effects.

I choose this article because there are going to be less and less of these well produced shows becuase there simply isn't bringing in the ratings like they used to. With all the different ways to watch these shows it makes it very for the networks to get the ratings they need. There are going to be more and more shows like American Idol becuase they bring in the most ratings and are easily produced. The networks are going to have to find a way to bring back the ratings like they were.
Networks need to build audience share, build cume, and raise the audience's expectaions in order for their ratings to go back up (pg.364). Granted this is used for radio viewers, but the same concept does apply to the televison networks. They need to find ways to keep their loyal viewers loyal and find ways to attract new ones.